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TASC Inc. is located at 5 Centennial Drive, Suite 320 in Peabody, MA



TASC Inc. seeks to empower adults with intellectual, developmental and neurological differences in the pursuit of autonomy and self-actualization so that they may lead rich and fulfilling lives with maximized independence.


TASC provides adults with intellectual, developmental and neurological differences a therapeutic community that presumes competence, affirms neurodiversity and incorporates the following programming elements:


Therapeutic: Providing a variety of direct and group-based therapies to enhance an individual’s skills and participation throughout environments.


Adaptive: Skillfully modifying properties of an environment or activity to enable full access to participation in everyday and novel experiences.


Social: Fostering adaptive social interactions through group-based services, to enhance relationship-building and social engagement.


Community Engagement: Supporting access to and participation in workplace and leisure settings across the community.



For more information about direct services, social groups, and day programming for adults please contact Danielle at 

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