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Mother of Child with PDD-NOS

"Our son Jack first went to Project CHILLD at the age of 4. He was diagnosed at 3 ½ with PDD NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified)... As we sit here just one year from his diagnosis the changes in our son are amazing...Jack has no echolalia, answers immediately when asked a question, comprehends more than before, is potty trained, has an opinion...asks questions and tells me “I love you too Mommy”."

Mother of Child with Autism

"[Joseph] was non-verbal and almost entirely caved-in by ordinary stimuli when he began his program...Now, Joseph accompanies us everywhere and he is curious and exploring all the while. Since his defensiveness towards the environment has decreased so much, he now runs, cavorts, touches, smells, tastes and simply experiences instead of cowering in my arms...Not a day goes by, no matter where we are or what we are doing, where he does not do something new or something better than he did before. He is no longer arrested in his learning process..."

Mother of Child with Autism

"Sam is doing so well! His suppression anxiety has greatly diminished...He is sleeping very well – through the night. Even shampooing Sam’s hair has become a non-issue. Sam loves Project CHILLD and has so greatly benefited from his services here"

Mother of Child with Mitochnondrial Disease

"...I want to thank you for being the amazing people that you are. No one ever chooses this path, but when you are fortunate enough to meet therapists who are highly skilled, highly knowledgeable and possess the compassion that all of you do, it makes this road quite a bit smoother...We are forever indebted to you."

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